Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy outlines the policies of the game “Rolling Orb" (hereinafter referred to as the "app" or "game") regarding the collection, use, and protection of personal information. This Privacy Policy has been established to safeguard the personal information provided by users (hereinafter referred to as "users" or "members"). By using the app, users are considered to agree to this Privacy Policy.

Types of Personal Information Collected

Rolling Orb does not collect any personal information from users. This game has been developed without the collection of any personal information.

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Rolling Orb does not collect any user's personal information; therefore, it does not utilize any personal information.

Member Withdrawal and Deletion of Personal Information

Withdrawal of Membership: Users are not required to withdraw membership, as Rolling Orb does not collect any personal information.

Retention and Security of Personal Information

Retention Period: As Rolling Orb does not collect any user's personal information, there is no issue regarding the retention period.

Security Measures: As Rolling Orb does not collect any user's personal information, no separate security measures are necessary.

Disclosure of Personal Information and Sharing with Third Parties

Rolling Orb does not share any user's personal information with third parties. Personal information is not disclosed to external parties without the user's consent.